Lunar Yoga - with Danielle 🌙 - Tuesday mornings
Lunar Yoga - with Danielle 🌙 - Tuesday mornings
Lunar Yoga - with Danielle 🌙 - Tuesday mornings
Lunar Yoga - with Danielle 🌙 - Tuesday mornings

Lunar Yoga - with Danielle 🌙 - Tuesday mornings

Regular price $25.00
Unit price  per 

Lunar Yoga - Tuesdays 9:30am - 10:30am 


Discover your natural rhythm through the energetics of the lunar cycle and feel more deeply connected to your true nature.  Practising yoga with the moon attunes us to the present moment and connects us to the wisdom of nature through cyclical time.  What naturally follows is a developing awareness of our own cyclical rhythm which supports us to move through transitions and changes through the seasons of our lives with more ease, just like the moon.  

Lunar yoga supports a regulated nervous system; allowing us to experience a sense of inner calm and ease within the body as well as stillness of the mind. Overtime this practice fosters a deeper connection with self, allowing us to take our practice of off the mat and into our lives to experience more ease, and flow with the ever changing seasons of our lives.  

Balancing yin and yang, lunar and solar, action and rest, we will embark on a journey, each month with the rhythm that runs through one full lunar cycle from new moon, waxing first quarter moon, full moon, and waning last quarter moon into Dark Moon.  

You may attend as a drop in experience or attend each weekly class through the entire lunar cycle as a series of four classes to experience the benefits of the energetics of the lunar cycle as it relates to your rhythm as a whole.  

With Danielle’s guidance you will learn how to attune to the energy of the moon to harness its wisdom in your day to day life, bringing a greater understanding of your own inner rhythms.  Each class will offer breathwork, personal reflection and a gentle flow rooted in traditional hatha yoga, guided by the rhythms of nature.  

All levels Welcome

Please bring a Yoga Mat and Dress Comfortably 

🖊 Details:

🗓 Tuesdays 9:30am-10:30am

📍 Location: 928 Kingston rd, Toronto, ON 

💳 Energetic exchange is $25CAD 

Class Descriptions

New Moon Flow

-October 01st

Discover your natural rhythm and how it relates to the energy of the new moon to feel more deeply connected to your true nature.  New moon energy is the energy of beginnings of possibilities and dreaming into. 

This moon asks us to get curious around where we want to focus our energy over the coming lunar cycle, to get clear with our desires and set intentions to manifest that which we want to create.  What is it that you are calling into your life as part of your co-creation with the universe?  

Plant the seeds and watch them grow. 

First Quarter Flow 

-No class in September

-No class in October 

Discover your natural rhythm and how it relates to the energy of the first quarter moon.  First quarter energy is the energy of unfolding, of growing visibility and of focus and commitment. This moon asks us to attune to the promise of what’s to come, to take action to develop the seeds of our intentions.  It helps us to develop discernment by supporting our understanding of our capacity, it calls us into balance. How can you take action in a way that feels sustainable and nourishing to your rhythm? 

Notice your seeds have now grown into buds. 

Full Moon Flow 

-September 17th 

-October 15th

Discover your natural rhythm and how it relates to the energy of the full moon to feel more deeply connected to your true nature.  Full moon energy is the energy of culmination, of harvesting, celebrating, and sharing.  This moon asks us to tune into what is being revealed and illuminated in our lives, it calls us into our fullest expression, with passion and purpose and to be in curiousity of relationship with being visible.  What is your life feels as though it is coming full circle?

Notice your seeds have come into full blossom.  


Last Quarter Flow

-September 24th

-October 22nd 

Discover your natural rhythm and how it relates to the energy of the last quarter moon to feel more deeply connected to your true nature.  Last quarter energy is the energy of surrender, of releasing and letting go.  

This moon asks us to offer gratitude for what has been as we move towards rest and integration of the wisdom we have gleaned over the cycle.  It calls us into relationship with death and endings, unravelling what has been so something new can take form.  

Notice your flower has withered and fallen to the earth to prepare the ground to be fertile once more. 

About Danielle:

As a yoga teacher, meditation guide, and wayfinder with the rhythms of nature;  Danielle holds ceremonial space for the unfolding beauty of life.   Through yoga, sound meditation, lunar women’s circles and lunar charting practices, she creates seasonal offerings inspired by the rhythms of the natural world.  It is through reconnection to the cycles and seasons in nature, and gathering together in community that Danielle believes, enlivens a life of reverence; inspiring creativity and joy, and connection to our inherent gifts.  

When we attune to rhythm of nature we are initiated on a journey to the rewilding of spirit, a map to find our way back to our unique rhythm.  This is the journey towards living in our true expression,  a journey home to ourselves.

Danielle travelled to Guatemala to receive her yoga teacher training and has held a devoted spiritual practice for 7+ years.  She is a mom to three teenagers, a wildcrafter of flower essence and devotee of the moon, she is always up for an adventure, and a good slice of pizza! 

📧 Contact: